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Thank you Collin & Shannon Buckley! Your home sale has generated a donation that helped Joseph, a homeless teen living at Northwest Youth Services' PAD facility. Joseph is now setting goals and achieving them! Because of friends like you over 100 people in need were helped in 2roofs' first year of business.
Joseph Gets a Fresh Start
Joseph entered Northwest Youth Service's PAD program at 15 years old. (Positive Adolescent Development is an emergency housing program in Bellingham that offers housing for youth between 13-17 years old). Joseph had been in over 40 different placements over the years. He did not have a healthy support system and lacked some basic life skills. After running from his last placement, the PAD provided emergency housing and case management to Joseph during his stay. Most importantly, the PAD provided Joseph with a time where he could focus on being a kid and work on his own goals.
One of those goals was to have his own bicycle. The PAD case manager worked with Joseph to approach a local bicycle retailer and ask about a possible donation. Joseph was nervous about speaking with a stranger but after some coaching, gained the confidence to do so. The shop owner was able to provide a bicycle to Joseph, but even more significantly, able to have a meaningful conversation about how cycling can be utilized as a healthy coping skill when you encounter tough situations. Joseph developed a meaningful relationship with the shop owners and ultimately began identifying the shop as a safe space for him in the community. This led to Joseph feeling more connected, increasing his sense of belonging, and giving him a healthy option for how to deal with the stresses associated with the experience of homelessness. Joseph continues to flourish and learn new life skills and healthy ways to engage with his community thanks to the supportive staff of the PAD program and 2roofs clients.