Thank You and Congratulations Aaron and Meg!!!
Thank you so much for trusting us with the buying and selling transaction of your home! We had so much fun helping you purchase you new home. We are so grateful that we were able to get your home sold as well. You had so many great memories in your home. It’s been a lot of work and I’m sure you’ve learned a ton. I remember when we looked for what seemed like years to find this home. You were so quick to make the buying decision this time around, it was mind blowing! We are so excited for your growing family and the new memories that you will make in your new place.
Out of your sale proceeds from our fee will go to the work of Collide, a local nonprofit you are involved in here in Whatcom County that . Thank you so much! Without you and our wonderful clients we would not be able to do what we do. So glad to have you in the 2roofs Family
Your Old house:
Your New Home:
By choosing 2roofs, Aaron and Meg will now help house a person in need through We Collide. Stay tuned for the story of how this home helped out our Non Profit partner. (See how it works here).
Want to help a person in need? Send us your referrals! When anyone buys or sells their home with 2roofs, we help house someone in need at no additional cost. A roof for a roof.