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Thank you Mark & Patricia Kadel, another 2roofs client! The purchase of your home has provided fathers like TJ with the support and help they need to gain skills to be better parents through the work of Rebound of Whatcom County. Because of friends like you over 100 people in need were helped in 2roofs' first year of business.
Rebound Helps a Single Dad Get His Son Back
The work that is done at Rebound often requires encouraging, advocating, and mentoring parents whose children are in foster care with the goal of reunification.
TJ came to Rebound hostile and angry. Police had removed his son from his home due to neglect, and the boy was placed in foster care. As an older parent, TJ’s physical health and mental acuity were issues that in part prevented him from properly parenting Little T.
Rebound learned of this family when Little T attended their Ray of Hope Summer Day Program with the foster family’s other kids. In order to see his son, TJ came to the once weekly parenting program after Ray of Hope. This is when the course of this family’s history began to change.
TJ’s visits with his son had been reduced, so Rebound became involved with dad’s social worker, and a plan was created to assist TJ with the activities he was required to do to reinstate those visits. It was at this point that TJ began to truly trust the staff and volunteers at Rebound. When the court was preparing to terminate his parental rights, Rebound stepped in to ensure TJ was complying with all he was required to do, including involvement with a dad’s support group, attending AA, and receiving alcohol treatment. He began participating in Rebound’s parenting classes, and today is a table leader, helping other parents who have experienced the same difficulties.
This past summer, Little T was reunified with TJ, and went home to live with his dad. TJ now requires less day-to-day assistance, and Rebound now only provides the help he needs navigating the system. This is the type of transformational outcome that they strive for with all their families. Thank you, Mark & Patricia!